Buyers Last Few Years



We thank  these individuals, families and farms who moved registered Romneys from our flock to theirs in the year shown

2024 Melissa Trojanoski CT **  ***  Applewood Acres NY **  Misfit Acres NY **

2023 featured only one purebred transaction, sale  to the Sacred Monastery of St. Nina, in Maryland.

2022 saw the most purebred sales in several years.  We reduced flock size to lighten the load for Graeme’s eventual successor, planning to build back up in time.  

Norma Johnson Glacy NY *

Jackson Crisp NY *  ***

Allison Streaker MD **

Robert Bentley NY ***

Heather Warren NY ***

Ethan Kennedy NY **

Smith Vocational High School MA ** ***

Pinecroft Farms NY ** ***

Amanda Barcenas MA *


In 2021 purebred sales stayed slow.   We thank  these individuals, and families and farms who added registered Romneys from our flock to theirs.

Susan Madey NY ***

Misty Rose Farm MD**

Julianne Keller PA ***

Nathan Hanson WI


The covid-19 pandemic slowed up sales considerably in 2020.   We thank  these individuals, and families and farms who added registered Romneys from our flock to theirs.

Kylie Cole NY*

Pitchfork Ranch MI **

Penelope Freeman Kemp CT

Steve and Debbie Sullivan VA

We are very grateful to these individuals, and families and farms who did that in 2019


Domaine DE Swing Tree LLC, NY

Tabitha Westerman NJ *

Kylie Cole NY

Noah Cole NY

Sarah Cole NY

Ellora Chapin NH *

Penny Freeman Kemp CT **

Flora and Fauna Farm NY

Chuck DeLade TN**  *** bought  a number of  purebred ewe  lambs for his commercial flock

And to these who did so in  in 2018 :

Tabitha Westerman NJ

Pitchfork Ranch MI **

Alison Seyfert-Streaker MD ** ***

Norma Johnson-Glazy NY

Allison Blum MD

Windswept  Acres NJ **

Betsey McPherson VA**

Anne McIntyre-Lahner CT


And  to these individuals,  families and farms who added registered Romneys from our flock to theirs in 2017

Barbara Boughton  NY

Jackson Crisp NY *  ***

Chuck Delade NJ ***

Frank and Barbara Roberts MS

Smith Vocational High School MA ***

And  to these individuals,  families and farms who added registered Romneys from our flock to theirs in 2016

Phebe Alley NY  **

Little Rest Farm,   Blair Family  OH *   ***

Melissa Cunningham CT

Few of  Ewe Farm MA

Barbara and Eric Goodchild MA *

Henny Penny Farm CT *  ***

Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery NY **

Mackenzie Joray CT

Courtney Lyman  MA

Betsy McPherson VA

Gregory Neumann NY

Josh Neumann  NY ***

Pitchfork Ranch MI **   ***

Star Mar Farm OH

Chad Williamson NC


likewise  in,  in 2015, to

Phebe Alley NY *

Little Rest Farm, Blair family OH

Circle B Farm, Burgess family  OH *   ***

Abby Crisp NY

Shelby Crisp NY

Cheryl Dunlap OH

Cadence Higgins CT

Helena Kagan NY

Matt Lafferty MA

Pitchfork Ranch MI *

Chris Posberg NJ **   ***

Marianne Weitzel VA


in 2014

Henny Penny Farm CT

Abigail Crisp NY

Jackson Crisp NY

Circle B Farm, the Burgess family OH

Jordan Vineyard OH

Jim Cowling NJ

Nate Trojanoski CT ** ***

Regina Embler NY *

Amanda Barcenas PA

Randy and Elaine Thompson WA


Going back to 2013,  we say the same  about

Melanie and Colleen Hayes, NY *

Jeff  Jordan, NH

Lara Kazo, NH **

Dennis King, VA

Jeff and Scarlett Lamphier, NY

William Schwitzer, NY

Nathaniel Trojanowski, CT

Matt and Susan Husk, VT

 and repeat ourselves  for  2012, thanking:

Baker Family, NY **

Foster Farm, NY **

Haley and Josie James, OH *

Heart Rock Farm, ME

Hidden Valley Farm, CT

Lara Kazo, NH *

Carolyn Lafferty, NY

Emily Linton, FL *

Bekah Parent, VT*

Alison Seyfert, MD


*second-time  **has bought at least two from us before  ***took home more than one this year