
Breeding sheep for resistance to worms

January 1, 2025

                                       Trish and Gordon Levet with Stephen,  Anchorage Farm 1999  photo E. Shafer                                                                         Writing and video by or about Gordon Levet Breeding Sheep that have a high immunity [...]

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Greenhouse Gas Balance Sheet for Anchorage Farm

October 20, 2023

                                                                      Greenhouse Gas Balance Sheet for Anchorage Farm A greenhouse gas (GHG) balance sheet for a farm with livestock has three main entry categories – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).  CO2 is the GHG that by any credible calculation accounts for the lion’s share of the recent rise in global average [...]

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Ecosystem Services at Anchorage Farm

October 6, 2023

                                                                                               Ecosystem Services at Anchorage Farm The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), a major UN-sponsored effort to analyze the impact of human actions on ecosystems and human well-being, identified four major categories of ecosystem services: provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services. 1. Provisioning Services When people are asked to identify a service provided by nature, most [...]

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Our new manager

February 20, 2023

Rhonda Jaacks is our farm manager as of Jan 1, 2025.    Her immediate predecessor, Cameron Pedigo,  moved to a farm in Dutchess County whose manager had to relocate suddenly  because of illness in the family. Cameron brought good ideas to us and  accomplished a lot in his nineteen months here. Rhonda has had her [...]

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Book review: Apocalypse Never

March 16, 2021

 Review by Stephen Shafer of  Apocalypse never:  why environmental alarmism hurts us all by Michael Shellenberger   New York, Harper 2020      Michael Shellenberger can’t be dismissed as a standard-issue climate change denier.  He acknowledges scientific evidence that average global surface air temperature is going up.    He recognizes that fossil fuels under human control have had, [...]

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Why Agriculture Needs and Merits Financial Help from Carbon Fee Revenues

January 18, 2018

                                        photo Memories of the Dust Bowl      Pinterest  90deffe52297bcda9b2cfa8277288516   The  seventh   essay in a series on how American agriculture can  thrive in  a strenuous good-faith effort to halt global warming.  The  first six,   earliest first, are these: 1.   What-is-a-carbon-footprint  2.    [...]

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Sue Stewart

May 2, 2016

                                                                  Sue Stewart died March 13, 2016  after  a long illness.  Sue was a good friend to us, to children, and to all animals in her care,  as well as being a devoted wife to Graeme.       We remember her joy in taking care of animals, whether working at Rhinebeck Animal Hospital, as [...]

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