Trish and Gordon Levet with Stephen, Anchorage Farm 1999 photo E. Shafer Writing and video by or about Gordon Levet Breeding Sheep that have a high immunity [...]
Greenhouse Gas Balance Sheet for Anchorage Farm A greenhouse gas (GHG) balance sheet for a farm with livestock has three main entry categories – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). CO2 is the GHG that by any credible calculation accounts for the lion’s share of the recent rise in global average [...]
Ecosystem Services at Anchorage Farm The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), a major UN-sponsored effort to analyze the impact of human actions on ecosystems and human well-being, identified four major categories of ecosystem services: provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services. 1. Provisioning Services When people are asked to identify a service provided by nature, most [...]
Rhonda Jaacks is our farm manager as of Jan 1, 2025. Her immediate predecessor, Cameron Pedigo, moved to a farm in Dutchess County whose manager had to relocate suddenly because of illness in the family. Cameron brought good ideas to us and accomplished a lot in his nineteen months here. Rhonda has had her [...]
Review by Stephen Shafer of Apocalypse never: why environmental alarmism hurts us all by Michael Shellenberger New York, Harper 2020 Michael Shellenberger can’t be dismissed as a standard-issue climate change denier. He acknowledges scientific evidence that average global surface air temperature is going up. He recognizes that fossil fuels under human control have had, [...]
photo Memories of the Dust Bowl Pinterest 90deffe52297bcda9b2cfa8277288516 The seventh essay in a series on how American agriculture can thrive in a strenuous good-faith effort to halt global warming. The first six, earliest first, are these: 1. What-is-a-carbon-footprint 2. [...]
Sue Stewart died March 13, 2016 after a long illness. Sue was a good friend to us, to children, and to all animals in her care, as well as being a devoted wife to Graeme. We remember her joy in taking care of animals, whether working at Rhinebeck Animal Hospital, as [...]