Climate imperative: lower natural gas Tractor swarm Dover Plains NY January 2019 Qualitative summary Earth’s atmosphere handles methane and CO2 very differently. It disposes completely (mostly by oxidation) of an [...]
CO2-e , CO2-e* and CO2-we: Divergent Metrics for Methane’s Additions to Atmospheric Heating in Scenarios of Sub-optimal or no Mitigation. photo of a playground in Butler Co PA USA next to a fracking pad is by Moms for Clean Air Force source: Summary: I did simulations using the GWP and the variant GWP* [...]
Schematic illustration of how global mean temperatures respond to different emissions trends in carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) source Allen, Cain Lynch Frame (2018) Summary The atmosphere, a major sector of the carbon cycle, manages methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) very differently. Use of a Global Warming Potential ratio (GWP) [...]