2018-2023 Review
The year 2023 saw a transition of managers. After a wide search begun in 2022, we did find a successor to Graeme. Cameron Pedigo started mid-April and Graeme was able to take a well-deserved complete retirement as of May 1. Well-deserved! Lucky us, that he still consults. In this year, as described on our home page, we strove for more biodiversity on our sixty-one acres, with a new, urgent campaign against invasive shrubs, bushes and vines beside the Sawyer Kill that we had tolerated for too long , planting native trees, shrubs and wildflowers in the buffer between streambank and pasture. Cameron’s efforts made rotational grazing even more intensive than before, with daily back-fencing to give longer rest time.
Sales were down, with flock size much reduced after a big year in 2022. We sold only one purebred replacement ewe, a yearling. No lambs went as breeding stock, letting us hold onto our five keeper ewes from the purposely-small number of lambs (nine) born in spring 2023. We also culled ruthlessly to reduce the prevalence of recurrent hoof problems in the flock. Twenty months later, that has worked well.
2022 we stayed on the farm, and had a big year of sales. See the “buyers last few years tab;” for lambing outcomes, see the health tab. We had been preparing for Graeme’s retirement as of Sept 1, but some time before that it became apparent that the person we’d chosen to succeed him had sustained an injury that made it prudent to withdraw. Graeme graciously agreed to stay on another eight months after “retirement” on a slightly less than F/T basis while we reopened a search. To make his life easier in early 2023, we ran the ewes with rams only for a short time, to abbreviate the lambing season. In Feb 2023 we greeted nine lambs from seven ewes, with all three rams represented.
2021 was quiet. We did not go to any shows, had a nice time down on the farm. Lambing outcomes are shown elsewhere under the health tab. Sales of purebred breeding stock are listed under the buyers last few years tab. In fall 2022 we exposed ewes for only one cycle. We wanted to have fewer giving birth in the spring to make life a little easier for Graeme. He had been planning on retiring in September, but when a hitch came up he graciously agreed to stay through April on an almost full-time basis.
2020 was the plague year of covid 19. There were almost no shows anywhere and scant interest in buying sheep except from those planning for the future. Fortunately, Graeme and Paula were covidgilant ; so, the essential Graeme never missed a day here. One learning experience from this year of continuing climate breakdown was the time in July when a ewe lamb wasn’t eating, had a temp of 105.5. She was still 104 next day after antimicrobial treatment. Another one or two were off feed that day. They had high temps that didn’t respond to Rx either. We checked every lamb in the group; they were all febrile, many over 104. Most were behaving normally. Long story short, we decided they must be hyperthermic due to ambient temperatures. Our shearer, Colin Sigmund, raced over to shear all the lambs. Lambs’ temps were normal next day. Books say that sheep in full fleece should not suffer in hot weather if they have plenty of shade and plenty of water, as ours did. This experience made us doubt that wisdom. It was hotter than we’d realized. Across the mid-Atlantic states July 2020 broke the 125-year record for average daily temperature. The fleeces in July were of course of shorter staple length than they would have been later; on the other hand if they’d stayed on there would have been wool break. We’ll plan to shear the 2021 lambs in late spring, anticipating another very hot summer. The 2020 cohort is now off schedule for the twice-a year shearing we usually do with al the sheep except over age one year. They will be shorn in May.
Anchorage Farm did not take sheep to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in 2019. after a run of twenty-five years with only a year or two skipped. Nor did we go to the Great Lakes Show and Sale, nor the Big E nor the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival, our former haunts. All our purebred sales were from the farm, and are likely to be that way from now on. We did sell fleeces at the NYSSWF. Below is the text of our ad in the Dec 2019 Romney Ramblings.
“We do not show anymore…….but our genetics sure do”
Congratulations to the following Romney breeders for their faith in our breeding program!
Pitchfork Ranch, Michigan: Supreme White Ewe 2019 New York State Sheep & Wool Festival w/ Anchorage Bloodlines
Melissa Cunningham, Connecticut : Supreme Fleece 2019 Big E on a fleece from “Jake” Supreme Ram at Goshen and Durham Fairs Sire of “Jake” is Anchorage 1421B, recessively-colored
Courtney Lyman, Massachusetts: Lyman 1801—Best Natural-colored Fleece 2018 NAILE Junior Show Lyman 1802 was Champion Natural- colored Romney Ewe NEYSS & Sussex, NJ These twin ewes are out of an Anchorage ewe.
Tabitha Westermann, New Jersey: Champion & Reserve Champion Romney Ewe -2019 Sussex, NJ 4-H Show Champion Romney Ram -2019 Sussex, NJ 4-H Show These three are all Anchorage breeding
Penny Freeman Kemp, Connecticut: Anchorage Farm 1661 was Champion Ram and Best Fleeced at 2019 New Jersey Sheep & Fiber Festival and Champion Ram at local 4-H Show.
Kylee Cole, New York: Anchorage 1664 Reserve Champion Natural Colored Longwool Ewe at Dutchess County Fair
At the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May we sold two ewe lambs and a recessively-colored ram lamb through the sale. In the white Romney show we had 3rd yearling ram and 3rd pair of yearling ewes. In the natural colored Romney show we had 2nd yearling ram, 1st and 6th yearling ewes (second pair); Junior ewe lambs 2nd and 3rd with 2nd pair of natural-colored ewe lambs. Second flock.
It’s always a delight to hear about a second or third generation of sheep with some Anchorage background. We heard from Misty Rose Farm (Allison Seyfert Streaker ) recently that at the Maryland State Fair Misty Rose had Champion Ewe, Reserve Champion Ewe, Champion Ram, and Best Fleece in the Natural Colored Long Wool show. Allison wrote that the yearling ram and yearling ewe were sired by her Jordan (Anchorage 963B-11) and that the ewe lamb”Frankie,” who also had best fleece in class, is Anchorage 1591B-18 that she had bought at the MD S&W Festival auction in May. Congratulations Allison and thanks for the shout-out.
Tabitha Westermann took her ewe lamb Lumi (Anchorage 1600-18) and ram lamb Winston (Anchorage 1568B-18) to The Garden State Sheep and Fiber Festival in September. Tabitha was Ch Junior showman. Lumi was first ewe lamb in the long wool division and Winston 1st ram lamb in that division. Strong work all around and thanks to Tabitha and her family for sending the good news.
Norma Johnson took the recessively-colored ram lamb she got from us this year to the Washington County Fair where he was Ch natural-colored ram. Thank you, Norma, for having the boldness to go toward recessive color.
In 2017 we did not go to Maryland, because our truck could no longer pull.
At the ARBA National Show (Garden State Sheep and Fiber Festival in September), under judge Dr Geoff Ruppert, we had the National Ch. white ewe with our lamb Anchorage 1495-17. She is pictured below.
Our white ram lamb 1514 -17 (pictured below ) was Res. National Ch. white ram and best -fleeced white Romney. He, like the ewe lamb, is by Smiling Sheep 145. Thanks, Chapins, for sending us this outstanding ram. .
These two lambs and their natural-colored flockmates went to Rhinebeck Oct 21. Here’s what happened:
Brief background for those not familiar with the Sheep Show at the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival. It’s not organized by individual breeds. Instead, color (white or natural-colored) and wool type (“fine,” “medium” or “long”) define six separate shows that merge at the end in the selection of a supreme champion for each color and sex across the three divisions of wool type. The “long” groups are usually the biggest in each color. Romney, Lincoln, Border Leicester, Shetland and Cotswold are typically most numerous, with some years featuring Blue-faced Leicester, Teeswater, NC Cheviots, Wensleydale, and Karakul. We bring only lambs to this show.
In 2017 NYSSWF show under judge Woody Gilson we had
- Champion White Long Wool Ewe. She was Anchorage 1495, who was also the 2017 ARBA National Ch. White Ewe.
- Reserve Champion White Long Wool Ram with Anchorage 1514, who was also the Reserve Champion ram of the 2017 ARBA National White show.
- Anchorage 1485 was the Champion Natural-colored Long Wool Ewe
- Anchorage 1486 Champion Natural-colored Long Wool Ram then Supreme Champion Natural-colored Ram (pictured below
- Supreme Champion Natural-colored Ram 2017 photo by Lauren Drum
- In the Natural-colored Long Wool Division we also had First Pair of Ewe Lambs and First Pen of Three Lambs.
In the NYS Bred Ewe and Ewe Lamb Sale we had Champion and Reserve Champion White Romney and the top-selling Romney Ewe
The Festival has a fleece sale, with over 700 fleeces judged before the doors open in categories of color (White or natural-colored) and the judges’ eye-and-hand classification of wool type (fine, medium, long and primitive). Fleeces are entered in the given name of the consignor, not a farm name. In 2017, Lizbeth Shafer had third in Natural-colored Medium (a Romney fleece) and third in White Long, while Stephen Shafer had first in White Long.
Thank you, Graeme Stewart, our redoubtable manager!
In 2016 we only went to one show, but take great satisfaction and pride in what young people did with sheep they had bought from us and the progeny of those sheep.
Phebe Alley
Anchorage 1314 natural colored (n/c) yearling ewe
New England Youth Sheep Show (NEYSS) 4th N/C Yearling Ewe
Anchorage 1422 white ewe lamb
NYS Fair open class 1st place Jr. Ewe Lamb and Reserve Champion Ewe
Abigail Crisp
White ewe lamb out of ewe Anchorage 1007BW-11 Tw n/c (bought at 2015 NYS Bred Ewe Sale) sired by Pitchfork Ranch 721 n/c
Dutchess County Fair 4H 1st place Jr Ewe Lamb and Res. Ch. Ewe
Dutchess County Fair open class Res. Ch. Romney Ewe and Best Headed Romney
Shelby Crisp
Natural-colored ram lamb out of ewe Anchorage 1007BW-11 Tw n/c (bought at 2015 NYS Bred Ewe Sale)
Dutchess County Fair 4H Champion Natural-colored Ram
Melissa Cunningham-
Anchorage 1421-16BB, recessively colored (Adbl Aa) ram lamb.
NEYSS 3rd Intermediate Ram Lamb
Terryville Fair (CT) Supreme Ram
Goshen Fair (CT) Res. Supreme Ram
Durham Fair (CT) Res. Ch. Romney Ram
Portland Fair (CT) Res. Supreme Ram
Mackenzie Joray
Anchorage 1353-15
Terryville Fair (CT) 1st Natural-colored yearling Romney ewe
Goshen Fair (CT) 1st Natural-colored yearling Romney ewe
Bethlehem Fair (CT) 1st Natural-colored yearling Romney ewe
Courtney Lyman
Anchorage F-1392 n/c Ewe lamb
NEYSS 4th place ewe lamb
Big E Junior Show 1st Senior Ewe Lamb
Woodstock Fair 1st Senior Ewe Lamb
Natural-colored Romney Futurity winner
Josh Neumann
Anchorage -1351BB-15 n/c yearling ram
Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival Junior Show Champion Ram
Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival Open Show Res. Ch. Ram
Anchorage 1393 n/c ewe lamb
Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival Best N/C Fleece both Jr. and Open Show
Penny Freeman
Home-bred ewe lamb out of her Anchorage ewe
Terryville Fair (CT) Supreme Ewe and Res. Ch. Fleece
Nate Trojanoski.
Natural-colored yearling ram out of AF-1180 (highest selling Romney ever at NYS Bred Ewe and Ewe Lamb Sale 2013) sired by Pitchfork Ranch 721 n/c
Durham Fair (CT) Supreme Champion Ram
NAILE Fleece Show Res. Ch. Natural Colored Fleece