Buyers Last Two Years

We are very grateful to the families and farms who added registered Romneys from our flock to theirs in 2013:

Melanie and Colleen Hayes, NY *

Jeff  Jordan, NH

Lara Kazo, NH **

Dennis King, VA

Jeff and Scarlett Lamphier, NY

William Schwitzer, NY

Nathaniel Trojanowski, CT

Matt and Susan Husk, VT


and in 2o12:

Baker Family, NY **

Foster Farm, NY **

Haley and Josie James, OH *

Heart Rock Farm, ME

Hidden Valley Farm, CT

Lara Kazo, NH *

Carolyn Lafferty, NY

Emily Linton, FL *

Bekah Parent, VT

Alison Seyfert, MD


*second-time  **has bought at least two from us before  ***took home more than one this year